Eskom's Meter Update Deadline is Approaching - Are You Ready?

The deadline for Eskom's prepaid meter software update is approaching: all meters must be updated to Key Revision Number (KRN) 2 by 24 November 2024, or risk losing service, according to Eskom. With around 12 million prepaid customers in South Africa, and just over 6 million supplied by Eskom, this change will be far-reaching. Thankfully, Eskom has pre-coded 97% of prepaid meters, enabling most customers to complete the update themselves.


How to Check Your Meter's Status


According to an article by The South African, to check whether your meter is updated to KRN2, simply enter the code 1844 6744 0738 4377 2416 on your meter's keypad. Your screen will then display a number and in some cases a letter as well. If the screen shows the number 1, your meter is still on KRN1 and needs to be updated. If your screen displays the number 2, this indicates your meter is already on KRN2 (your credit token slip for electricity purchases will also confirm this by reflecting KRN2).


Strict Deadline - No Extensions


Eskom has said that after the November deadline, meters that have not been updated will not accept electricity tokens. This will result in those meters being inoperable, whether they are Eskom-supplied or municipally supplied. It is therefore critical that your meter is checked and updated before the 24 November deadline.


If your meter still needs to be updated, you can find more information on how to do so on Eskom's website.





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11 Nov 2024
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